Bust a Move Without Breaking the Bank: Living an Affordable, Healthy Lifestyle

Bust a Move Without Breaking the Bank: Living an Affordable, Healthy Lifestyle

Health and penny-pinching don’t always come hand-in-hand. Fortunately, your well-being doesn’t have to depend on your wallet; you just have to know the right tricks! Here are some easy ways to stay healthy on a budget.

Work out in your backyard

Gym memberships are costly. Fortunately, you don’t have to look any further than your own backyard for exercise. There are plenty of outdoor workout moves you can do without ever leaving home, notes Self Magazine. The best part is, you don’t need equipment to get in a good workout.

If you don’t live in a house, try the park. Some even have workout equipment or a playground that you can utilize for certain activities (think: using the monkey bars for pull-ups). If you have a mat, yoga is a great workout that many people perform in the park.

One of the best parts about moving your workout outside is that it allows you to connect with nature. Maybe it’s the feeling of grass between your fingers while doing push-ups, or the breeze that blows through your hair while you’re in child’s pose. The grounding feeling that comes with that natural connection is real and can be powerful in your mental and spiritual wellbeing.

Invest in useful home products

It seems like around every corner there’s someone trying to sell you a product that is the perfect solution to your wellness woes, but there are some genuinely useful items out there. Whether it’s a cooking gadget for preparing healthy meals or a stationary bike for exercising when the weather is poor, you want items you can rely on. Fortunately, you can find unbiased reviews of a variety of home products online, which can help you feel confident about your next purchase.

Create and use natural, DIY cleaning supplies

Not only should you connect with the earth physically, but with how you treat it, too. Using natural, do-it-yourself (DIY) cleaners prevents you from putting toxic fumes into the air. Chemical-free cleaners get the job done without increasing your carbon footprint. You can find cleaning recipes for the kitchen, bathroom, and everywhere in-between.

Some common ingredients for DIY cleaners include:

  • Baking soda
  • Vinegar
  • Rubbing alcohol
  • Hydrogen peroxide
  • Dish soap

Most of the items are probably things you have already, and anything else is just a market visit away.

Make small changes every day

There are a lot of easy switches you can make each day that will help cut costs on wellness. From food to exercise, you’ll find opportunities the more you look:

  • Biking or walking to work
  • Swapping an unhealthy midday snack with a healthy one
  • Taking the stairs instead of the elevator
  • Taking work breaks to do mini exercises
  • Regular stretching
  • Cooking at home instead of going out
  • Clipping coupons

Eating healthier and exercising are good for both the body and spirit, so grab those opportunities as you find them.

Incentivize by monetizing

People often discover that once they’ve made the switch to healthier choices, they become passionate about one or multiple aspects and want to get involved. For example, perhaps you become a yoga enthusiast and want to open your own studio. You may choose to go to school and become an instructor as well, or simply stay on the business side of things.

If you’ve never started a business before, you can find a guide to start a new company here. It will walk you through all the major steps you’ll need to take to get off the ground, from planning to permitting. Additionally, it can be helpful to use a formation service when starting your business. They can save you time and money filing your paperwork with the state.

Startup costs are expensive, but once you’ve got your groove, you’ll find even more ways to save. Design services, for example, can be costly for a new business, so if you need a high-quality logo, an online logo maker can be useful. You can customize a template with colors, text, and graphics of your choice. Once complete, you can download it to use as you like.

No matter where we are in life, health and budgeting will always be priorities. Let these tips help you live a healthy, happy life without the stress of over-spending.

Photo via Pexels